12 Easy Steps to Prevent Hiking Blisters!

Stop the Friction! – How You Can Prevent Blisters When Hiking and Other Blister Management Tips and Tricks

One time when I was about 12 years old, my family and I went for a hike somewhere in the mountains. I don’t actually remember where because the only thing that really sticks out in my mind was the intense pain I felt on my heel as we were on our way back to the car.

I was too young to know why I was feeling this pain, just that it was excruciating! I even started to cry, it was so intense. My dad thought I was just complaining to complain, but when I took off my hiking boots to show him, he suddenly realized I wasn’t fooling around. I had a fat, puffy blister growing on my foot!

Prevent Hiking Blisters

I wish I knew then what I know now, and that’s the basic steps you need to take to prevent hiking blisters. To me, there’s nothing more damaging to a serene outdoor hike than an aching, shoe-biting, son-of-a-gun, blister!

Hiking is one of the easiest activities we can do as an outdoor adventure enthusiast, and it should be enjoyed to the fullest! Unfortunately, blisters can pop up out of nowhere. Sometimes they seem to just magically appear!

However, if you’re armed with the right knowledge and preventive measures, you can minimize the occurrence of these pesky little annoyances and effectively treat and manage them when they do show their ugly little heads.

So follow along below for a short and informative guide on how to prevent a blister!

Understanding How Blisters Form

To combat and overcome any obstacle in life, including the very small ones, we need to understand how and why they form. Simply put, blisters are small pocket hot spots of fluid that form between the layers of the skin due to continuous rubbing, friction, or pressure, and eventual irritation of the skin.

The skin is composed of different layers, including the outermost layer called the epidermis, and the inner layers, including the dermis. When these layers experience excessive friction or rubbing against each other or an external surface, the skin cells in the epidermis can separate from the underlying layers.

Prevent Hiking Blisters

This separation causes fluid, usually plasma or serum from nearby tissues, to collect between the layers of the skin, creating a bubble-like formation known as a blister. The fluid acts as a cushion, protecting the underlying tissues from further damage and allowing the damaged skin to heal. They are little skin airbags haha, ewww..

Prevent Hiking Blisters

So when you’re out walking or hiking, sometimes ill-fitting footwear, excessive moisture, and/or repetitive motions can accelerate the formation of these pain pads, particularly on the feet and that’s no bueno.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent hiking blisters from ever happening. If you want to know more about blisters, check out this basic Wikipedia article.

Techniques to Prevent Blisters When Hiking

The best blister treatment is to avoid dealing with them altogether. As they say, “Prevention is the best medicine.” Before setting out on the long hike, follow these simple instructions and you’ll probably never have to deal with those irritating pests ever again! 

1. Proper Footwear

In my humble opinion, the #1 most important thing you can do is find the best hiking footwear. If your foot isn’t happy, neither will you be. Find a pair of hiking shoes, boots, or trail runners that are best suited for your needs and you’re already way ahead of the curve. 

Prevent Hiking Blisters

After you have made your choice, make sure to gradually break your new foot gear in before embarking on any long walks or hikes. Here’s a great jumping-off point – great hiking shoes for beginners. Options for men’s, women’s, kid’s, waterproof, and comfortability are given.

2. Moisture Control Keep Your Feet Dry

Secondly, you need to focus on keeping your feet as dry as possible by wearing moisture-wicking hiking socks and/or breathable shoes or boots. It’s incredibly easy to get blisters f you’re not wearing hiking-specific footwear. Those 15-year-old cross-trainers with duct tape aren’t going to cut it I’m afraid.

Consider bringing an extra pair of socks as well in case you need to swap them in if your main pair becomes damp and gross. If that seems like too much, bring a set of liner socks instead. They’re thinner and easier to pack into your day bag or backpack. 

3. Foot Care Routine

This might sound strange but one way to get a blister is having extra long toenails. I know that might not compute but think of it like this – if your toes and feet aren’t comfortably set within your shoes and socks, little aggravations will add up to big discomforts. 

Unless you’re a foot model, keep your toenails trimmed down properly. The longer your toenails are, the more they can prevent your toes from being properly spaced within your shoes. 

Also, try to apply talcum powder on your feet or bring specialized blister prevention products to reduce moisture and friction.

4. Sock Selection

Ditch your standard cotton variety foot sleeves and get some good hiking socks. They can be a little pricey, but it’s well worth the investment. Aim for awesome high-quality, moisture-wicking, or waterproof socks made from materials like merino wool or synthetic blends.

Prevent Hiking Blisters

They are specifically designed to reduce friction and maintain dryness for long periods and are almost as important as a great pair of hiking shoes.

As previously mentioned, change your socks regularly on long walks or at the very minimum have a dry pair of socks on you at all times. You won’t regret it! 

5. Proper Lacing

I bet you didn’t know this but another main culprit as to why you’re likely to get blisters is improper lacing techniques. Think of Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Not too tight nor too loose, but juuuuuust right. 

It took me a while to figure this out and you might be asking yourself, “Is this really that important?”. Yes, it is. If you prevent friction, you prevent blisters while hiking. It’s that simple. 

 Ensure a safe journey with properly-laced shoes that prevent excess movement inside of them. If your feet are shifting about then either you need to tie your shoes a bit tighter, or you need to get a smaller size of shoe. You can also experiment with different lacing techniques if they don’t feel quite right to find what works best for you and your feet!

How to Treat Blisters

Sometimes you simply can’t avoid blisters. Either you weren’t paying attention or forgot to properly prepare, or some other odd reason snuck in. I tend to get excited with new boots and cause blisters out of forgetfulness. Whatever the reason, you’re going to need to know what to do. 

6. Stop and Assess

This might be a no-brainer but If you start to feel discomfort or notice a hotspot while you’re hiking or walking, stop and examine the area. If you notice some redness or the beginnings of chaffing, you might want to start taking some precautions to help prevent a potential blister. 

7. Blister Drainage

If a blister starts to form, don’t freak out! I know it can be a little frustrating and sometimes tempting, but something you should never do is pop that sucker unless it’s necessary.

If it’s large, painful, or likely to burst, you can disinfect a needle with alcohol and carefully puncture the blister near its edge to gently press out the fluid, leaving the skin intact as a protective layer. A big mistake is popping it and then tearing away the loose skin. This is a no-no. All you are going to do is cause even more irritation or pain.

8. Clean and Protect

If you can, try and wash the affected area with mild soap and water. Once you have finished and your feet have dried, apply an antiseptic ointment. After you’ve generously layered your ointment,  apply the affected area with a blister-specific bandage, moleskin, or another type of adhesive padding that’ll protect the spot from receiving any more damage. Check out some great options here.

Prevent Hiking Blisters

The last thing you want to do is make it even worse!

9. Relief and Rest

Once you’ve finished dressing your mild injury, try and reduce pressure on the blistered area by adjusting your footwear or using extra moleskin padding. Easier said than done I know.

It might also be a good idea to take a break from hiking for a few days or a week so your blister can heal. Usually, they’re good to go in a few days, especially if you are using a good antiseptic ointment.

Long-Term Care and Recovery

If the problem persists, take longer and longer breaks but as long as you carefully address the needs of your feet and follow my previous tips for preventing blisters in the first place, you shouldn’t have any more issues. 

10. Keep the Area Clean

If you’re like me in any way, you’re apathetic when it comes to some of the finer details of hiking and backpacking. Instead of properly dealing with blisters, you just want to get back out there and explore this wonderful world of ours! Believe me, I can relate.  

Prevent Hiking Blisters

When it comes to blister care though, this is a mistake. Hikers often clean the affected area once and forget it. Sadly, this only prolongs the healing process. Clean the blister every day until it’s gone. You should also apply an antibiotic ointment daily to prevent infection down the road. You’ll thank me and yourself in the long run on this one.

11. Let Them Breathe

Even if you don’t have any issues, always air out your feet once you find a place to rest. This could be halfway through your trek, at the end, or many times during. Who wants sweaty feet, am I right? 

When you have an unruly blister on your foot, let your feet waft in some fresh wind. Remove your socks and bandages and let those puppies rest! A good 15 – 20 minutes should do the trick!

12. Avoid Friction

Once the blister begins to heal, you should continue to protect it with cushioned bandages or padding. Anything you can do to prevent hiking blisters from continually rubbing against anything.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve made it this far I thank you for taking the time to read my article. Even though they can be darn tough, the proper proactive preventive measures and care techniques can prevent hiking blisters from ever forming.

Think about good footwear comfort, maintain foot hygiene, and be vigilant in addressing hotspots to ensure a comfortable and blister-free outdoor adventure. Remember, listening to your body and taking necessary precautions can significantly enhance your hiking experiences while keeping your feet happy and healthy.

Lastly, I leave you with a pensive quote, “The world reveals itself to those who travel on foot!”.


  • A seasoned hiker and adventurer who loves to travel and experience new things. An extrovert and creative at heart, James is most definitely a "People Person". He started this blog in the hopes of making somebody's day just a bit brighter!

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