Hello! Let me introduce myself!

First off, thank you so much for your interest in my adventure blog. I really appreciate it, truly! So a little bit about me. I was born in San Diego, CA in the great country of the U.S.A. Unfortunately my parents divorced at a very young age so I moved around a lot until about 3rd grade where my dad and I settled in a small town named Sun City, CA. I had a fun and basic childhood, playing sports, skateboarding, and general shenanigans for a teen. 

about me

After graduating high school I enlisted in the Army Reserves, eventually getting called up for an overseas deployment to Kuwait for a full year. This I believed started my love for travel and other cultures. After returning from the Middle East I became a poker dealer for 4 years.

I bought a house with a buddy and basically did nothing but party and have fun until the housing market crashed in ’08. My friend and I lost the house but it wasn’t all bad because that experience led me to Los Angeles. I had a grand vision of becoming an actor so I started doing background “extra” work and auditioning on many different productions.

One of those happened to be as a contestant for the game show “Minute to Win it“. Apparently the producers there liked me and gave me a shot as a game tester where I excelled somehow at throwing pencils into a cup and rolling quarters on a table into a fork haha (look up the show and you’ll understand what I mean).

This set me down the path as a challenge producer that I’ve now have had the pleasure of being for the past 13 years. I’ve worked on many different productions, both gigantic and tiny in scope all over the U.S. and the world.

My challenge producing career has brought me to such exotic places as Samoa, Fiji, The Philippines, Mexico, and Canada, while personally I’ve backpacked through Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Costa Rica, St. Thomas, Puerto Rico, and a few others I’m sure I’ve forgotten.

In doing so, I’ve gone on many adventures from Zip Lining over raging waterfalls, 50-mile treks across barren and beautiful landscapes, walking among ancient ruins, and witnessing some of the most beautiful things you can imagine in nature.

I wanted to start this blog to share my experience, knowledge, and hopefully, wisdom when it comes to seeking new adventures in the world. I’ll be covering topics such as hiking, backpacking, camping, white water rafting, zip-lining and so much more, so stick around and follow my blog. I aspire to entertain and teach you something you may never thought you needed to know! Enjoy!

Here is where you can find me and where I find all my inspiration!


  • A seasoned hiker and adventurer who loves to travel and experience new things. An extrovert and creative at heart, James is most definitely a "People Person". He started this blog in the hopes of making somebody's day just a bit brighter!

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